Prayer Card

Please pray Matt isn't angry with me for cleaning his room while he was gone out of town for 3 days working with his brother, Sean. The room was built about 20 years ago when we enclosed our porch and became an addition to the existing house. It has a separate entrance he can enter it from outside of our house, but also another door on the other end where he can directly enter our house. It's almost like a little apartment but without a shower, toilet or kitchen. While he was away, I took the liberty of carrying out some trash and washing the dirty laundry that he had left sitting for a couple of months. I felt bad like it wasn't really my place, but it is also attached to my house and it really needed help. Please pray he is not angry or upset with me for going through it to remove the trash and dirty laundry and moldy dishes. There were a few things that he would prefer a mother not find when looking through their children's rooms. I've seen it all in my long life and it doesn't bother me. Please let him not be embarrassed or upset about me being in his room. He is also very sore from his bad back and shoulders almost to the point of tears.
14 Apr 2024