Prayer Card

People of God, please pray strong with conviction and trust in the Lord Jesus to destroy this virus. Let the vaccine take it away; and send us a total HOLY CURE. This plague is not afraid of being destroyed but God will destroy it and our prayers will destroy it. Pray strong and with a sure faith to God, who is wanting to help us. Expose our hearts and souls to our God Jesus Christ and ask His mercy. Bless us oh Lord and bless our country at this crucial time that the choice of your will is who will be President. Let every arrow of evil be cast down and let justice win and the one you have blessed be protected now and forever. In the Name of Jesus AMEN. Pray people pray. This is where our hope lies. About the destruction of this virus and the exposure of the evil in this world. AMEN. Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ who saves us and loves us. AMEN.
27 Oct 2020