Prayer Card

Hello there! My name is Laia Franquesa. I'm a female teacher of English from Catalonia, in Spain. I am really very upset. My boyfriend's sister is in hospital and now he does not want to speak with me due to his mum and her cruelty, nervousness and the devil's bite. I am truly in love with him and wish for the best for his family unit. I have been threatened, ignored and ill treated by his mum and lately also by him. The truth is that Tony and I used to be very united, I believe we still love each other deeply. And there's also more people against our relationship. He's made me cry sometimes but I still love him. I have helped Tony to achieve his studies and given him everything I've been able too and he's also helped me a great deal. Please help me with your prayers...I am about to go crazy. I truly love my man. Thank you so much. God Bless, Laia.
2 Jun 2020