Please pray for Matt, who has suddenly shifted into his stimulant induced paranoid delusions today. I knew it was coming based on certain behaviors I've observed for the last few days. Now, he's telling his 10 year old son that we are all plotting and conspiring together against him, spying on him, and all sorts of crazy things. That poor child. Matt was screaming in my face with all sorts of absurd accusations against our whole family a few minutes ago. I let little Matthew dash into town with me and my other grandson to get dinner (a normal occurrence without issue) with big Matt right next door helping his brother. Got back and he's telling me and his son it was all part of a complicated plan to get his door unlocked and have Matthew away so the others could ransack, steal, and snoop around. So little Matthew feels responsible for his dad acting like that. Little Matthew is grounded for what we do at least once a week. Go to the store or to get food somewhere. We weren't even gone 30 minutes. I don't know where or how, but Matt got either meth or Adderall or something like it. He has a little apartment that is separate but attached to my house. I HATE when he's like this. It's a whole separate schizophrenic personality he morphs into. Please, God, destroy and remove the demonic source of these drugs. Our son was doing pretty well for quite some time. I want to murder whoever provided this to him not taking into consideration his mental health issues. And if I find out, have them arrested or WORSE. I can't watch my son turn into some monster. I'm so mad that he fully believes what he's saying.