Please pray for a successful transition out of prison for Victoria Almager tomorrow. This will be her last chance to do right and stay away from drug abuse. She's fought addiction and everything that goes along with it for at least 15 years. She's been in jail and prison quite a few times. In 2015 she was sentenced to 10 YEARS in prison for methamphetamine possession. Texas is very strict. She served 3½ years and got out on parole. She has always had problems staying sober for long, and complying with conditions of her release, like staying employed, reporting to parole officer when she's supposed to. It's always an excuse. No transportation, lost her job, didn't like the restrictions of where she was living. It's going to be her brother's house with his wife. They don't drink, smoke, or use drugs of any kind. She always says she can't take the boredom and leaves after a short time. Please pray she gets her life in order this time permanently and doesn't slide back into her old ways. Her mother and father have both died in the last year or so, so she's also dealing with grief.