Please pray for Kristal and Sean to have a good evening and day tomorrow. Of course, she seemed annoyed that his biological mother's family sent Leo a care package of goodies to share over there with everyone. She is very touchy on that subject. She feels that they are implying she doesn't buy enough snacks (she's got issues nobody understands in that regard.) It's the same whenever anyone tries to help. She's very jealous and maybe insecure? She has low self esteem from egregious mistakes she's made taking care of her older children before Sean became her knight in shining armor. People probably said some pretty awful things to her over it. So, it's late evening and I hope all turns out harmonious and happy and that tomorrow is a good day for everyone. Audrina, Leila, Leo, Asher, Osiris, Kristal, Sean, Matt and Matthew Jr. Please pray for all of us. Thank you