Prayer Card

Peace and many blessings baraka. Whether God allah, yahweh, yahawah, elohim, Jah bless , I am reaching out to have a focus on what can happen and dwell in eternal paradise, jannah, heaven on the earth, just like the jehovah witness said. Jesus I'd to be resurrected back and to be the prophet Esa. The thinking of a people is not supposed to be out of order. The people have to be the order of mentally, spiritually, and physically on the positive notes, the jinn and the shaitain is not supposed to be evil, process with progress, I'd to take things to the upper degree, the famous side called philosophy. The thing is freedom, justice, and equality To be out of slavery the master verses the slave, the alive verses the grave, look into the real and the sorrel, for the whip appeal.
29 Aug 2024