Prayer Card

'Behold, all souls are mineā€¦"Ezekiel 18:4 Holy Mother, we are all God's Children. He has given you to us as our Mother. You are a good mother and a true friend. Holy Mother, look with compassion on the soul of Robert Cletus Driscoll. He was known a Bobby. He suffered from drug abuse and in the end it cost him his life. Booby died alone in an abandoned tenement house on an old mattress.He was homeless and friendless. Please pray God have mercy on his soul. Please apply Christ's Precious Blood to his soul.Bobby was only 33 year old; it was the same age that your Beloved on Jesus died. Remember Holy Mother Jesus Christ died for Bobby.May his saving grace lift Bobby and save his soul. May he enter into the joy of Heaven in the name of Jeu Christ Amen
18 Mar 2023